Scafell Pike from Wasdale

Scafell Pike From Wasdale

This is the popular walk up Scafell Pike from Wastwater, and is the usual three peaks route up Scafell pike. It starts from the NT car park by Wastwater. This is the most popular route from Wasdale, but don’t let that make you complacent. The path becomes indistinct half way up and the final ascent

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Scafell Pike via Lingmell

This quieter route from Wasdale starts off on the same route as Scafell Pike from Wasdale routes before heading off uphill to Lingmell rather than following the throngs up the usual path. You can also start the walk from Wasdale Head, it’s even signposted at the start! 1 Start off from the National Trust Car

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Scafell Pike from Wasdale Head

This is an alternative start to the Walk up Scafell Pike from Wasdale that starts from the Wasdale Head Inn. As there’s a car park, accommodation and a car park at Wasdale Head, many will choose to start off from here rather than the National Trust Car Park near Wastwater. You’ll also arrive back at

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